By NISSEM co-conveners Andy Smart, Margaret Sinclair, Aaron Benavot, Jean Bernard, Colette Chabbott, S. Garnett Russell and James Williams Re-posting of the World Education Blog first published by GEM Report on 6 November 2019.
Author: Andy Smart When educators meet to share their experiences about teaching difficult pasts or addressing societal divisions, fundamental questions arise about context. National, regional, classroom and individual contexts all matter. Students within a class may have different cultural identities
Author: Jim Williams Growing up in the US South, I began my schooling just before the end of segregation, when black and white children were not allowed to attend school or see movies together, or even use the same public
Author: Margaret Sinclair I began as an education planner, and later worked for UNHCR. I saw enough of refugee camps to call on education decision-makers to support education for the prevention of crisis and conflict. As a planner, I saw
Author: Jean Bernard, Alysoun Johnston and Ravi Rampersad 'If there is no solution, it is not a problem.’ So goes the ancient Zen saying. But what if the problem has gone unrecognized for centuries and solutions that work are only now