Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2: Review

Fans of long -playing series have probably a very hard life. Developers cannot sell the same product for decades, so sometimes even bosses Nintendo And Sega We have to update Sonic or Mario. What can we say about more mundane things, like Resident Evil or Castlevania.
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What has once made a series of cult, now completely discarded. Platformer with RPG elements turned into a swift slasher. The only thing that remains was some general provisions: a hero, universal evil, salvation of the world-but even that turned out to be inside out a non-standard plot. The brand began to play with new colors, the new audience became interested in, and therefore Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 became a very expected little thing, which assigned certain hopes.

Castlevania is not only 10 hours of gameplay, but also the opportunity to choose new desktop wallpaper.

Baby son came to his father

I would like to immediately reassure everyone who intended to join a new part without meeting the original – everything, in principle, is clear. The introductory video carefully tells the summary of the “previous episodes”. The knight Belmont once defeated the universal evil, accidentally becoming an immortal malicious bloodsucker. He inadvertently killed his own son and, trying to correct the situation, turned him into a vampire of Alukard, and shortly after that he suffered at the hands of his grandson. I had to fall asleep for a couple of thousands of years so that in 2014, the former “colleague”, Necromancer Zobek woke the Draculu-Belmont. Time to save the world again: in the futuristic Gothic city, Satan is about to descend by his own person, and the hero must certainly stop it. In return, they promise him a worthy reward – a simple human death.

The main storyline unfolding in the city, somewhat reminiscent DMC: dirty streets, disgusting monsters in corporations, unusual inhabitants and the main character who is trying to make the world cleaner. For this part of the game, more than enough of the described background is the told – you can even guess some plot twists.

In addition, in the city you can sometimes find portals transporting the Dracula to another dimension – a medieval castle filled with a servant and acquaintances of an ancient vampire. Here is a sad son, not yet turned into a bloodsucker, here is the spirit of his beloved, but the servants who can be offended by something and be offended by their master. In addition, some incomprehensible blood flows around, the origin of which until a certain moment remains a mystery. All this was not in the original game, and therefore the whole storyline develops from the clean sheet.

The script turned out to be multi -layer and very pleasant, with a couple of “unexpected” turns and several damn emotional monologues. But do not get hung up too much on it: in the end, Los2 – This is a slasher, and here there are things are much more interesting than the chatter about the hardships of immortality. For example, KAT scenes.

Even if the characters spoke Albanian, the videos would just be nice to watch. The directing is wonderful, and the combat episodes are made so that it is breathtaking. If console players are already spoiled by numerous God of War, That PC-Hamers are waiting for cute surprises: Dracula flies the monsters three times more, often raises his eyes, tears his jaws and even tears his faces. All this fits perfectly into the general style and looks organic.

Exactly the same can be said about the design of levels. The grotesque city of the future will have to be studied on several floors, from roofs to collapsed basements, and everywhere it makes an equally oppressive impression. The medieval part of the game, on the contrary, offers magnificent and solemn locations: they are much brighter and more expressive – they really want to explore them and bypass them repeatedly.

Vampires are biting

Both worlds are available to the player at any time. However, the passage is strictly linear: the marker all the time indicates a well -defined direction, in the corridors of the level of bypass routes are not provided. But no one forbids to spit on the sign of the target, turn around and go back: suddenly I wanted to fill out more experience, go to the store or check the area for secrets.

Search in the vicinity there is something: concept arts, secret doors, and there are also mandatory “collect 5 cubes to increase the number of lives”. Or not lives. You also have to separately look for altars for access to tests. There really is a lot of content, and passing the game is 100% – the task is not easy.

When all the preparatory stages are over and the Dracula will reach the right point, they will briefly describe the situation and indicate the direction to the next purpose. Here lies a nuance that can, with habit, cause problems in passing: the structure of levels cannot be called intuitively understandable. It often turns out that the pointer leads straight to a dead end – you need to go back a little and turn in the other direction. However, this is a rare and quickly solved problem: there is always a flock of bats, highlighting the output.

In addition, as in any slasher, the bulk of the game consists of the following are the rental of varying degrees of complexity. And you won’t get lost here: it is always clear what to do, especially since the combat system has not undergone any special changes. There are three attack styles: standard, applying slightly damage;ice, allowing to be treated at the expense of opponents;and fiery armor.

Additional weapons require constant charging. It is necessary to carefully knock out the combo with standard attacks – at a certain moment, energy will begin to pour out of the opponents, which will allow the use of special blows.

The “pumping” system was the innovation: the purchased techniques should not just be put on the shelf “for the collection”, they need to be regularly applied. As soon as the next combo is repeated 300 times, the level of ownership of weapons will increase and damage. And the new funny feature is the opportunity to disable QTE in the settings menu.

If you summarize, then we have another variation in front of us God of War. Fighting is damn simply: ultimately there are only two types of attacks, there are no more difficult than three buttons, and enemies rarely require a unique approach. Here everything is intuitively clear and it is not necessary to build complex ten-minute series of shocks to obtain some “style”. The battle is so carefully verified, so smoothly, easily and pleasantly controlled that it does not bother even after 10 hours of passing.

What cannot be said about any attempts by developers to replace the slasher with something. They are constantly trying to slip the “entertainment”, for example, stealth mines,. In words, everything sounds interesting: in small rooms there are giants that kill the protagonist from a pair of shots (which, by the way, is strange for a thousand-year-old vampire, who tears the heads of a five-meter “bosses”), you need to find a way to sneak up to someone from behind and move into the body: for this they allow you to turn into smoke or become a rat that can run alongventilation pipes.

It turns out an entertaining puzzle that is completely disgusted. Solutions are always too simple and do not allow spaciousness for creativity. With the slightest error, you have to die and load. And the worst thing is that Stlas is really a lot: almost every 40 minutes you have to hide from someone.

Someone once said that a good game should be diverse, and this misconception has been destroyed by more than one good project. So Lords of Shadow 2 For some reason he believes that players need to constantly entertain stupid things. She offers first to fight, then climb, then explore, then hide, and then ride on some platforms. All this is done interestingly and unusual, everything is very diligent, but not everything works.

If you discard the overloading elements, then the new Castlevania – Absolutely wonderful game. With a worthy plot, beautiful style and, most importantly, an excellent combat system. A high -quality slasher is hidden behind all the controversial elements, which can be distracted only after the torn head of the final “boss” will flood the Titras with blood.

Pros: excellent combat system;design;folding script;Wide scope for research.
Cons: Nepshas;There are non -obvious moments.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

The best comments

The game is certainly good, but the variety of it is smaller than in the first los: there are no interesting puzzles (I will never forget a riddle with an eclipse of the sun, a musical box of women yaga and a game of chess from the first part) there are no rolls on horses/werewolfs/trolls and battles with bosses are more reduced to a simple crush and timely pressing the button of the block button. And in the game the lack of Hideo Kojima is felt in the game – the new game has lost a fairy tale and personal adventure in the atmosphere, and the vampire theme as an infinitely lone creature with a thousand -year history is not fully disclosed. I hope that in the upcoming additions the authors will correct a lot ..

Speaking about the game by the way, I was pleased with the management. In the first part, it was very difficult for me … It is very difficult … when, for example, after the QTE scene, the character made an action assigned to the button as many times as you accidentally pressed the above QTE scenes …: C

I played the game for about an hour and I really like it so far. I was delighted with the first part, so I think the second will not fail judging at the beginning.

Well, the first los was quite ok, although she, too, can not like a lot. Despite the much in common in private Castlevania, it differs great from Darksiders, I like both rulers exactly the same as they made them (even though the first LOS camera is static)

>There are non -obvious moments

Yeah. I’m stuck in the beginning. When two guards at the factory and for the second time they give us to turn into a mouse. I have already opened all the secrets, but I don’t know where to go!

Damn, such an assessment is high, but I didn’t even like the demo version. I feel like a damage somehow. Darksiders at one time hooked more.

Only objective reviews
Dracula brings a response blow!

The Castlevania series is one of the longest-playing series in the history of the gaming industry-the first game was the light-it was scary to think-already in 1986, and was called Demon Castle Dracula (but we know). It is easy to calculate that 28 years have passed since then. Game industry – which is quite natural – made a huge jump forward in terms of graphic performance and new gameplay elements, technologies were improved, games were flowing into a new channel – 3D. Some genres happily accepted these changes (FIRST PERSON Shooter (FPS), Third Person Shooter (TPS), Survival Horror), some are not very (Fighting (for the example of the infamous Mortal Kombat 4)). But one thing was clear for sure – sooner or later in 3D they would go, if not 100%, then 99.9% of all games created for sure. It would seem – what does such a great preface about the transition of games from 2D to 3D measurement in an article on a specific game? A little patience friends, I will explain everything further in the text!
So, in the yard was 2010. On the prefixes, toys of one chic genre, namely, Slashher, regularly came out. In that year alone, such “slasher workshop monsters” were released as God of War 3, Dante’s Inferno and Bayonetta – Games are certainly gorgeous. There was also a way out of a creation called Darksiders, which was generally awarded quite warm reviews from the press, but in 2010 it was considered many of the worst games of that year. It would seem that there is nothing to surprise this year, when suddenly, at the end of 2010, a new game of the Castlevania series broke out, namely Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. The first part of the restart. Here I will give a little on the brakes – we can talk about the first lord of shadows to talk a lot and tirelessly – this game was so deep and good. But too much has been said about it-after all, more than 3 years have passed since the release. I will only say that this game for my taste and color “laid on the shoulder blades” Dante’s Inferno and Bayonett’s, and stood on a par with the bloody adventures of Kratos. And here I will return to the entry – I have not been in vain starting the conversation with the topic of the transition of games from 2D to 3D. There are a considerable number of comrades who indicate that, they say, Castlevania is not the same, not for 3D she! So, I hasten to calm everyone – the game for 3D is perfect. Moreover – I really expected this shift in the course of the game. After all, it is much more interesting to peel monsters as you want and you want to observe not only the gray walls of the castle, but also the beautiful landscapes of the scenery from all sides, is it not so? I would like to ask respected gamers – let’s stop poked in games only because those “not what before”. Everything changes. Life is changing. Games are also changing. Therefore, it is stupid in 2010 (and even more so 2014) to demand a slasher in a 2D unit. Although the Mercurysteam bosses fulfilled the requirements of gamers to some extent by releasing the ambiguous Mirror of Fate, which, although it set many points above and in terms of the plot of 2 parts of the Vladyy Shadow, but nevertheless was not awarded any enthusiastic reviews – so, game and play, middle. Well, okay. Let us return to the “subjeice” of our review, namely, the continuation of the restart of Castlevania, or as most gamers – castla call it abbreviated as it is abbreviated as it is called. With your permission, in the future I will operate precisely these terms.
So, the game will be evaluated by several key parameters, namely: the visual series (general quality of the picture), the quality of the graphics (clarity of textures and their volume), musical accompaniment, gameplay, plot component, management. Each parameter will set an objective assessment. Then all estimates are summarized, and divided by 6 (number of parameters). Thus, at the exit we will receive the most adequate and objective assessment of this game (in the future – not only this). In short, let’s go!
1. Visual series
I would like to say that visually, the first part of the lord of the shadows looked just gorgeous. From the beauty of local landscapes breathtaking! The green foliage of the forest captivated and maneled, the snow levels were also striking in their beautifulness, and the locations of the otherworldly Miro, where we were looking for the lord of the necromancers looked as depressing as possible – everywhere the inevitability of death was felt, the inability to get out of there. In general, visually, the game was designed for solid 10.
But now 2014, which means that it is time for us to evaluate the visual part of the continuation of the lord of the shadow. And here – Babams! – The same 10 points! Why? Everything is simple – the locations are made in the Gothic style, the city, according to which we are raving at the very beginning, so “breathes” with hopelessness, a dark night with the descending fog presses psychologically, but this is all the present. When we get into the past, the place changes, but not the atmosphere. The atmosphere of horror reigns in the dilapidated castle of Dracula, passing every meter, you literally expect that some kind of “creature” will jump out on you, which will drink us with its blood! And this effect is achieved only by one visual design – everything around is dark, Gothic, dangerous … Isn’t that what all the fans of the castles demanded that? I think that. And they received all this fully. Even with more than. Assessment – 10 points!
2. The quality of the graphics
If the visual series was awarded an estimate of 10 points, then with the quality of the textures everything is somewhat worse. If you look closely at many details – it will become noticeable that the drawing is quite muddy, clarity was sacrificed by speed. I understand that this was done for the good, but I can’t pass by this shortage. But not everything is so bad. The main thing that has improved as a graphics is the drawing of the characters themselves. Now their faces are not as wooden as in the first lords of the shadow, where there was a problem with this – it was often impossible to understand – Gabriel was upset or he does not care? He is glad, or just the sun fell into the eye? Everything is done immediately by an order of magnitude higher – physics and animation at a pretty decent level, the emotions of the characters appear perfectly. Here I would finish the discussion of the graphics and slap her 9k, but I saw another, quite objective drawback – the absence of DirectX 11. Yes, yes, I say again that this is done for the benefit of optimization of the project, but DirectX 11 can be disconnected in many games, as well as enable. It is impossible to decide here with what level you want to play – everything is decided for you. But all this is not fatal, and in general, the game compared to the 1st part made a small one, but still, a step forward. Assessment – 8.5 points!
3. Musical accompaniment
I will not talk much about musical accompaniment. I will only say that OST was again in charge of Oscar Araujo, who made up the most important soundtrack by the 1st part. It is made in the same style, namely, the maximum of the winds, a lot of drums! A huge collice of pathos is attached to music. Those who want to check – they can listen to a record of one of the compositions, which is kindly provided in our group. I also want to note the beautiful game of the actors who voiced both parts of the series – Robert Carlisle and Patrick Stuart are great in the role of Gabriel and Zobeca, the rest of the characters did not disappoint either. After listening, I think, many will agree with me, which is absolutely objective – evaluation – 10 points!
4. Gameplay
You can talk about gameplay in brief – chic! The basis of mechanics is taken from everyone’s beloved God of War, namely – chain weapons from 1 part. But there is no chain rudder here. But there is a whip-inch. And he is damn good. In addition, there is a sword of the abyss – will restore health, and the claws of chaos – help to break heavy armor and shields. It would seem – we have already seen all this, but no, do not rush. The mechanics of fighting here are much deeper than in the adventures of Kratos on Olympus. Enemies are more smart here, you will have to work more actively with a block, alternate the sword and claws in time, use magic – and then you will feel how cool the gameplay is here. All battles are struck by a rather considerable number of climbing and puzzles (which became no longer an example than they were in the first part), there are also contractions with bosses, which, even if they were no longer so complicated, were earlier, but the game can force the approach to each top hostility. In addition, it became possible to disable QTE, of which in the game a decent collice is just some kind of holiday! It would seem that everything that else talk about prayed? The gameplay is magnificent, perhaps in some places Ideal! But no. And the fault of everything is one very annoying element – Staeeels! Stals’s moments are so slowly inhibited by this very peppy game that sometimes passing these moments can be reddened with anger, I don’t understand why it was shoved here? Well this is not SH, this is a slasher! We do not have to hide from the bestiaria, but to wet it, and it is cruel. And through the fault of Stlax, an objective assessment of gameplay – 8.5 points!
I won’t talk much about the plot – not why spoil – for many of the game did not pass. I will only say that you all know the main tie from the 1st part, more precisely from its ending – the goiter tells Dracula that the Aztsky Soton is going to return to the ground and subjugate all the living and inanimate. And in the case of Dracula (which, being Gabriel, I could not put it on the most) – turn his life into eternal hell. But for Dracula, the current life is even worse than hell – particles of human light are still lurking in it, he is tired of living, he wants to find peace, but only his old gun can do this – the chain cross of the killer of vampires. And the goiter tells Dracula that he will personally deprive him of his life if he helps him in the fight against Satan. What Dracula, of course, agrees.
I will not say a word anymore. More and more clear – you want to die – kill. And it is for this purpose that we will strive for the whole game. The plot is served with beautiful videos that are fastened with alert gameplay (see. higher). His tongue will not turn to call his tongue, he is just an amateur. Since just an ardent fan can set 10k for the plot, also an ardent critic can slap 5k, or even lower – they say, this is not a crater, it’s tedious! So objectively the plot deserves 8.5 points! Not less (but no more)!
Well, finally, I would like to say a few words about management. It has undergone several changes, namely, an active camera was added to the game, plus in the version for PC added mouse control. Now playing on clavo mossy has become almost as convenient as on the gamepad-with the exception of a “jamb” with non-transmitted “keyboard language” symbols (in the game all buttons are designated as on a gamepad from Microsoft Xbox360), because of which, at first, players can experience some discomfort, getting confused in the buttons. But over time, you get used to the keyboard, and if necessary, you adjust them for yourself – and enjoy the gameplay. Assessment – 9 points!
Bottom line: 9 points!
Recommendation: To buy!
Conclusion: A wonderful game worthy of the continuation of the wonderful first part of the lord of the shadows! I advise everyone! Good luck!