Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood: Review

America is on in the civil war, the north steps on the heels of the south, Gettisberg is very soon, but the participants in the conflict still do not know about this. McColla brothers fight on the side of the Confederation. Under the command of Colonel Barnesby, they, as far as, repulse the union, but decide to desert when they find out that their native Farm in Georgia has been plundered.

In the desire to return the lost and restore their native nest, the brothers take the path of murders and robberies. They are expelled from cities, put on the wanted list, and in Fort Smith Thomas they kill the federal marshal (something like a police chief), and they have to flee to Mexico. And where the treasures are buried in our? By a happy chance there ..

In the original Call of Juarez, the Monk Ray casually said that terrible deeds brought him to the church. He repented, took the righteous path … I imagined himself with a weapon in the hands of the Lord and went to kill Billy. More about the past “holy” did not say anything. His brother Tom dies at the beginning, and the dead do not share information.

The developers decided to show us what was so terrible in the life of the McCall brothers. From the point of view of an action movie – their life is really interesting, but from the plot side … it would be no wiser to continue the story, and not invent a preface to the famous ending?

It’s no secret that the original game scolded a lot for the boring part of the gameplay, which took half of the total. Billy Kendl and his methods were not to their liking. Running and hiding is interesting when the level of adrenaline rises when you empathize with the hero. Immersion in the long stealth mines did not work out, so the second half of the game-for Ray McColla-was a balm for the soul. An awesome species, the priest famously knocked hats from the heads of bandits (along with their heads), read out the along the way quotes from the Bible. Play for Ray was fun, interesting and spectacular.

The developers took into account errors and decided to completely save us from hide and seek. Ray and Thomas brothers shoot opponents without restrictions. Tom prefers to shoot from afar, and Ray specializes in close combat. “Piece-puff!”, Firing, explosions, corpses are funded by blood, robberies – it seems, if there are no boring levels, it should be exciting and exciting, but … did not bring it to Bound in Blood wretched stealth mission with Billy Kendlo, so that against their background, part with active actions looks so cool.

Ray and Tom, although they differ in the approach to business (we talked about this in the preview: Tom is dexterous and knows how to climb, and Ray prefers not to climb anywhere, rushing ahead), but for gameplay it is more cosmetic change than a serious diversity. For example, in one of the missions there is a side task – to kill a bandit, get 100 bucks for it. The villain hides on a farm surrounded by a picket fence. His gang lives here. Choose volumes – climb wood on the roof. Choosing Ray – Explosion Gate to the Damn Mother. Further actions are the same – shoot, shoot, shoot. In Watchmen: The end is Nikh, things are the same, but there at least the techniques of the characters differ.

There were so many hopes to divide the gameplay, but, in fact, there is no influence from this. Whoever choose, you still do the same path, you perform the same actions.

Diluted whiskey

Fortunately, c Techland Only firing began to be deceived by fascination, so they added a simple economic system (about it below) and other diversifying events. So, in the manner of Soldier of Fortune (remember this?), we will have to shoot along the pursuers from the window of the rushing carriage, and the double -leaf closed door usually signals about another event – the brothers stand around the edges, suddenly knock out the barrier and arrange the unhappy inhabitants of the premises enchantric Kirdyk.

Between plot missions there are side tasks, where nothing more complicated “there is no person – no problem”. Indians, bandits, old farmer – shoot! And then we will figure it out. All the same, friendly characters are invulnerable, and the money for these tasks is given out by the hand of the Lord – they just fall from the sky.

In diluted cases and incidents of the gameplay, there is something elusively wrong, since all these tricks do not help too much. The trip on the carriage is tedious – even on the complexity of Easy it is difficult to pass the first time, and even Very Hard has to squat constantly.

The doors are sometimes broken down 3-5 times per mission, the intake quickly becomes non-original and merges with the routine shooting of the predictable NPC. His Majesty the script carefully placed them in places convenient for a spectacular meat grinder, which the player does not leave an experienced player in such matters.

Free pokatushki on a horse also somehow do not occupy. It is interesting to go through a couple of side tasks, look at the most beautiful views (the graphic engine is impressive). Think that Gun came out early, she would have gone such a clothing. Notice that the prairie is drawn with a soul, the lighting is balanced and verified to the last ray, and it seems like everything is really alive (and not like in Gun). However, in addition to boring side tasks, nothing is waiting for us more, so I just want to turn the horse with the face in the direction of the plot and give her a good kick to rush faster.

Another entertainer for the player is the economic system. We kill enemies, collect dollars, and then we buy weapons and cartridges for them. All kinds of firearms are full here: these are ladies’ two-shot bundles, terrible in the relics of Vulcano-game, various rifles and shotgun.

All this farm varies in damage, shooting and reloading speeds. These parameters are affected by the state of the weapon. A rusty gun is worse (in all respects) than the new. Here in the store and sold exclusively high -quality samples for an acceptable price. The farther in the jungle of the plot we leave, the cooler the guns come across.

“Find a new weapon” – a very interesting technique in the sense that works as an achievement. We copy the money, we get a gun. And then again we copy to the gun … better. Provides part of the fascination, but having bought the barrel once, it can no longer be thrown away. He does not deteriorate.

Anyway, it is not necessary to buy something. The instrument of murder dropping out of the adversaries is often in good condition, and the differences between “not rusty” and “ideal” are not particularly noticeable. Most of the revolvers kill the enemy from a pair of shots. From a crumbling gun will have to make three. Cartridges are always in abundance, the difference is small ..

The economic system turned out to be the same incomprehensible appendage-it seems that it seems to give some interest, but it quickly bothers, like all other attempts to diversify endless shooting.

One fate

For the prequel to be successful, the original must capture incredibly. So that the previous events seem interesting and mysterious. Here is the “clear sky” in spirit – took place. Riddle, mystery, curiosity led the players to the swamps, the red forest and further, to Limansk. Let the trip were clumsy, funny and mediocre in terms of the plot, but, in fact, we followed the “shadows of Chernobyl”.

U Call of Juarez It is not possible to lead the player on the fate of the characters. No intrigue came out, the McColla brothers did not fall in love with us so much as to empathize with them all the time. In the plot plan Bound in Blood failed: the original is just a good game, not a cult (like the same Stalker).

Without an interesting and fascinating story, a journey through levels turns into a boring and tightened shooting range. He is interrupted by tedious screensavers and dead side tasks. I want this to end as soon as possible … Someone has the patience to get to the end, and someone will once apply the ALT+F4 combination and forget about the McCall brothers forever.

Pros: beautiful, atmospheric, about cowboys, women and treasures – romance.
Cons: Boring and covered, 15 missions – real torture.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

The best comments

In my opinion you have already faded there already. Bomb game. Great graphics, great sound. I liked the plot and its presentation too. Passed in one breath. And side missiles if they are so annoying you, you can not pass at all at all.

I can not hold back another commentary to write. Firstly, the trip in the carriage went 1 time (with a broken hand!), secondly, the game is very atmospheric and well conveys that time, and in the third and with the stalker here at all!, For example, I liked it less, but this is my opinion and review more than my opinion, which is not very interesting

[Strong] You Wanna Do It Quietly. [/Strong] Actually, bringing as an example of chn as a brilliant prequel, already says a lot. We can trace two projects (stalker and huabras) in terms of evolution and work of developers on their mistakes. Both games had a gorgeous, not fully opened on a pottis, but an incredible atmosphere, delaying the gameplay, pleasant graphics, a good plot. And now the developers plan to release both there and there on the second part-prix. What are the players from the second parts? The captain evidence suggests that everyone is waiting for grinding of interesting moments of the first part, the eradication of unsuccessful gameplay moments, an improved engine (in terms of physics-graphics-sounds and t.p.) and, of course, old and new heroes with new adventures. And now specifically for games. GSC in Stalker managed to completely lose the “Chernobyl” spirit-a war of groups, instead of gloomy-native loneliness. In my opinion, players did not really want this. Improve the schedule to incomprehensible heights so that far from the weakest systems are choked. Departures and freezes after seven patches. The stalker in a clear sky turned into a cheerful arcade of the shooting arcade based on Chernobyl nuclear power plant. There were even more dissatisfied than after the release of the shadows of Chernobyl. And few people already have bright hopes about the coming call of Pripyat. On this about the stalker everything. Finally. Now Tech *** everything goes right here right. Realizing that, in principle, the game turned out to be good, but with shortcomings, the developers release a patch weighing under 900 megabytes. But correcting almost everything that did not please the players-slurred stealth mines, a curve and a rare animation … and added DirectX 10 support as a bonus. Ok, rehabilitation was counted, the second time the game is much more interesting. It takes time. It’s time to release a new part. I have the resting of the developers: “So, so that people did not like there in the first? Yeah, stealth … we remove. Locations made by copy -paste? Not a question, we will make self -sufficient locations and each cactus will be painted manually. Buratino style animations. Business, we anmate the new. Graphics? Hmm, what’s the matter? May we have the most enchanting sunsets and landscapes, breathtaking. Ah, yes. Sluggish action … well, we will fix it too. What else is there? The plot … Well, let it not be straining, but with chic turns of the plot and an elegant ending. Gentlemen, everything understood everything? And we do not interfere about the atmosphere, drive, music and optimization. “If this was not there, then it is strange. Because Techland actually polished the plus of the original to the splendor and eradicated the minuses. How they did it – one God knows. But the fact. Before us is a slaughter western about treasures, love, fraternal relations, duels, betrayal, pursuit, explosions, scorching sun and whiskey. If you loved to watch “magnificent seven”, “Mackens” and such films in childhood, then not to buy and not go through Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood – Crime. The game immediately takes a scale and a thick atmosphere. Instead of immediately throwing us in the scorching prairie, we will be told about the difficult fate of the two brothers and their service in the trenches. For the first chapter, you have to shoot from the machine gun of the advancing enemies, undermine the bridge, sink the enemy’s raft flotilla and a ship, meet with his third brother, send a hundred or two enemies to the other world, crawl along the corn field and … much more. The concentration of events per minute just goes off scale. All this time, the brothers will bicker and express themselves dirty, but help each other. At some moments you even forget that this is a game, and brother, sorry-a bot. And you think that this is a movie where you are allotted one of the main roles. And to break away from this film is incredibly difficult. Gorgeous and a change of scenery – trenches, a rainy city, a ghost city, endless canyons, dense forests, steep mountains, Indian settlements … It never occurred to me that the locations were made “for an excuse” – everything is so diverse and detailed. Many and pleasant atmospheric trifles. It happens that you hide behind a stone, track the enemy’s sight and here … A spider crawls to the top of the stone. At such moments, you naturally scare from surprise. Or a butterfly can sit on the fly. Why are these little things? But there is such a word – atmosphere. But many developers, for some reason, forget about it and manage to lose in their games from part to part. When, after constant shootings, explosions, ringing spurs and liners, curses and abundance, they suddenly give us … Freedom. This is a contrast shower. You just had to hide, shoot, run, yell, blow up and suddenly … Silence and bewitching beauty of the prairie. Sunset. Vultures. Calmly talking. And (albeit small) freedom. A respite that makes it clear that there is also nature, there are small household clashes of bandits with ordinary people, there are peacefully grazing cows … Knowing that then there will be chases and shootings again. And a duel? Is this not a masterpiece!? And the videos and dialogs that surpass many films of the present on directing and the game of actors (bots. )!? And the finale!? Let it and predictable, but what … it is difficult to call the game. This is an adventure. You sincerely empathize with the heroes and want to help. It’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from the process of the game and switch – I want more and more, there, in the very dust, where the clatter of hooves is heard, the clasp of the spur, and the screams of the vulture are drowned out by a dying cry ..

What does the stalker have to do with it, why was it necessary to touch him. just to bite again from the bugs ? (which I did not have. ) And Call of Juarez I think the Buds of the game is interesting, I will have to try

And I went through one breath, without any boredom. Since I fell in love with the first part. I think it is not gameplay that is important here, even if it is monotonous, the main thing is the atmosphere of the Wild West. I went through the future reverend, I will rest – I will play the future stepfather "Candles".

It’s strange somehow in the video review they praised the game and here, on the contrary, the type of game is boring, though the rating of 4.2! The disadvantages wrote so as if you could not play this game!

The game is not boring at all.And you can calmly go a couple of times, playing first for Ray or Thomas and then Naobar and the plot is also good.

This review was written by a person who or not what he does not understand in the games or bribed him, but I don’t even argue that this game of a bomb

Skripts – there is a key to creating a beautiful interactive movie at, naturally, the competent work of the director.

The game is normal, the only minus I see, she does not know the speakers, I don’t know how to you but it seems to me that there was little there, they would make it like a gan-then such a game with such graphics would not be equal))

I played it and tell you the count more beautifully in CRISIS, while it requires little (systemic) sorry the current had one lag and I could not go further ((